Wednesday, April 30, 2008


The only thing that I found on ebay that was weird was the broken pencils. Why would any one want a broken pencil, someone is going to pay $10 for it. My dad is really into buying stuff off ebay, and one random thing he bought was this huge rusty old train sign. He is really into trains and like to collect stuff, but this sign is in his workshop just sitting there. There is nothing you can do with an old sign, why would you ever spend a couple hundred dollars on it. I personally think it is a waist. I also found all these people trying to sell chips and peanuts that are just mishapped. I think most the people who are trying to sell things on ebay have a problem. I am sure three fourths of the items on it, never get sold because they are jokes.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Reaction to 'Once'

The movie was a good but it was boring at the same time. There was to much singing, and I am not really into that. I was kind of mad that they did not end up together in the end. It was kind of random all together to, just with the vacuum and stuff like that, that had nothing to do with the point of the movie. The songs that were in the movie, were really good though. I caught myself the next day singing them in my head. I really like when you showed the movies. They were all so good, the one about the hippies was really interesting, surprising since it was a documentary, which are usually boring. The movies helped me get through the papers. I also really liked the one with the biker and they went around the US trying to help save the planet and stuff. It was really educational, made me not want to eat meat anymore.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


When I was young, I got alot of stuff that came from my older siblings. But one toy that was truly mine was my easy bake oven. I got it for Christmas one year and I loved it. I would always bake cakes and brownies on it. I would even make all these chocolate ones, knowing I wouldn't eat them (because I don't like chocolate) and give them to my family. Every Christmas after that I would get Stuff to bake in my easy bake oven. The older I got the cooler the items got to make in the oven. When I would use the easy bake oven, I would always ask my mom, but after like 5 or 6 years since I had it, I asked my mom and said she gave it away. I was so pissed when my mom did that, she said I never used it anymore. It is not like I am a huge cook right now or anything but I do love to cook random things that I am thinking about. Especially when I go home for a weekend I always try to make dinner, but rarely it tastes good. So it looks like my easy bake oven days are over.

Monday, April 14, 2008

TV shows

When I watch TV, it has to be funny. I am not really into Law and Order or CSI, they are to serious for me. My favorite show right now would have to be Rob and Big. I know it sounds really lame but I love the humor on the show. It is about a famous skateboarder and his body guard living together. Rob acts like he is a kid, and is always pulling pranks on his cousin they call Drama. Every Tuesday at 9:30 I am with my friends just waiting to laugh. The show is made for a younger audience. It is on MTV so that gives you a hint on how serious it really is. The third season is coming to an end this Tuesday, it is kind of sad. This is the last season of the show too. If someone has not seen it, I recommend they rent the seasons.

Monday, April 7, 2008


When I watch tv, I usually change the channel when I see ads or commercials. Alot of them don't really affect me in any personal way. The ones that do get me are food commercials, they really get me hungry. I can say I saw something like subway on tv and went out and got it. It is really funny how hard people try to advertise. For example, I was watching American Idol and they were all talking about how iphones are so useful and they are really cool, and it was not even a commercial. My sister and I just started cracking up how dumb it was. But when I do really pay attention to ads on the street or commercials is when they really funny, or there is like a song going along with it, and it just gets stuck in my head. Also this on commercial was playing and it showed a guys car door getting knocked off and then it said 'what would you do now', not saying anything that it was representing. I got so curious I went to the website, it was for insurance, I never would of went there if that commercial didn't get me so curious.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Race in america

After I read both of these articles, it really made me think how much people have gone through just to survive. Obvioulsy race was a bigger deal around 50 years ago, but it is still an issue now. What Martin Luther king jr talks about in "Letter from Birmingham Jail" is racism as a whole, how everything is segregated like water and bathrooms. It also talks about how africans americans would use non violent protest and still get arrested just because of their race. Race these days is nothing likt that. In obamas 'A More Perfect Union Speech' it talks about his life and how he had a hard time. Also how he wants to try to solve racism in amercia and everyone is one. The difference between the two speechs is how Obama wants to do this, but is not saying how he is going to do this. Martin Luther king jr actually does protest and goes to jail trying to make a difference. Not saying that Obama doesnt care but racism has been a factor for so long and everyone is going to have there own opinion about it.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Spring Break!!

For spring break Angie went no where. She stayed home literally all day and hung out. Just laid around and played some video games and did some homework. It was a good mother, daughter time. On Thursday Angie's sister came with the baby and was going to stay the rest of the week. A lot of family came over to see the baby, so it became more exciting. Then that weekend all Angie's friends came back from school on their spring break. It was good for her to see all her friends again, since she has not seen them for a while. Then sadly break came to an end, and Angie had to go back to school. It sucked even more because she went home on Sunday after the hockey team lost, so she was even more disappointed.